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Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Helmond Castle – well preserved medieval castle in the Netherlands

Helmond Adventure - well stored old fortress in the Netherlands

Helmond Adventure is well stored old fortress in the city of Helmond, in the Holland. Helmond Adventure can be found about 15 km eastern from the city of Eindhoven.

Helmond Adventure is everything you anticipate from a trip to the common old fortress. All traditional pieces, identical, weapons, resources, images, images and other traditional items that you can see here, will give you the opportunity to have a definite idea of ​​life at the Adventure Helmond. Along with the view of this charming fortress, your check out gets an remarkable experience.

Helmond Adventure has a rectangle floor-plan, in the sides there are spherical systems and is completely ornamented by the moat. There are other similar fortifications in the Holland, for example Ammersoyen Adventure, Muiden Adventure and partly stored Radboud Adventure. Helmond Castle’s surfaces are only 1.3 measures wide, therefore the fortress has initially a increase moat. This kept cannons during a possible assault at a safe range from the fortress.

Helmond Adventure also works as a collection, which is in the underground room of the fortress. You will find here something about the historical past of the fortress and the city of Helmond and collection.
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